Friday, May 11, 2012

Daily Coffee Hour

While we're on the subject of coffee in New Haven, we wanted to let you know about one of the daily joys of life at YDS: Coffee Hour! This short segment of each day is just one example of how YDS strives to cultivate a sense of unified community among its students, faculty, administrators, staff, and families by creating space and time for daily fellowship.

Every weekday morning from 11:00am - 11:30am, the YDS common room becomes the center of life for Div students. It's a great place to grab a warm beverage and a snack, chat with professors, meet up with fellow students and club members, or to check in with what's happening around campus. For anyone who has dietary restrictions, there are always some gluten-free and vegan options as well as donuts or coffee cake. Students will often use this time to host sign-ups for events or volunteer opportunities, make public announcements, or do something crazy like pie one another in the face (hey, it happens). Whether or not you choose to attend Marquand Chapel that day, coffee hour provides a great chance to debrief with classmates about the service or a morning class, and to check in with one another with concerns and well-wishes. We all need study breaks sometimes, and they might as well be tasty.

Coffee Hour can be a great opportunity to become involved in the daily life at YDS, and there are a handful of students who run the event each day. You don't have to officially be a part of the Coffee Hour team to participate, however, and donations of baked goods and beverages are always welcome and appreciated! If you love to share with others, Coffee Hour may quickly become your time to shine.

We'll see you there!

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