Thursday, April 5, 2012

Welcome to the Candy Bowl!

Congratulations! If you are reading this blog, chances are you or someone you love will be joining us at Yale Divinity School (YDS) in just a few short months. We're thrilled to have you! As your co-coordinators for the Before the Fall Orientation (BTFO), we want to offer you a warm and enthusiastic welcome to YDS.

You will undoubtedly have many questions as the fall semester approaches, and that's why we're here. Through regular updates, this blog will quickly become your go-to source of information regarding YDS, Yale University, and life in New Haven. We will answer questions like "Where should I live?", "How can I be more involved with the New Haven community?", "Which bar has the best happy hour?", and "What's up with Connecticut drivers?" - well, at least we'll do our best.

We will also be introducing you to some of the VIPs of this community, both in and out of school. You'll have the chance to get the skinny on Deans, Professors, local community leaders, fellow students, staff, and us - your orientation leaders! Our hope is that by the time you arrive, it feels like coming home.

For the remainder of the spring semester, we will be posting weekly updates on some looming topics that we know will be on your mind. Once finals come to a close for us and the summer officially kicks off, you can expect updates every few days, so be sure to check back regularly! In the meantime, if you have any questions (about absolutely anything!) please send us an email at and we will do our best to respond as quickly as possible.

We look forward to hearing from you, and to meeting each of you in August!

In peace,
Esther and Patrick

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